Friday, June 25, 2010

Stormy weather

It was a dark and stormy night.

A small country house is being hammered by a vicious Midwestern storm. The house shivers in the brutal wind. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls.

A middle-aged woman and her teenage son sit nervously in front of the TV, watching the severe weather alert scroll across the screen. During a lull in the wind, the woman suddenly raises her head.

Mom: What was that?!
Son (alarmed by her tone): What?
Mom: That sound!!
Son (pauses for a moment to listen, then whispers): I don't hear anything.

For a moment there is silence. Then, in the distance, a thin wail can be heard in the night before the storm comes back in full force.

Mom: There! That!
Son (confused): It sounded like a train whistle.
Mom (getting excited): Yes! A train! They say that a tornado sounds like a train! Maybe it's a tornado! Maybe we should go to the basement!

Long pause.

Son: Mom...I'm pretty sure that a tornado doesn't sounds like a train whistle.
Mom: What?
Son: A tornado doesn't sound like a train whistle. They say it sounds like the rumble of a speeding train.

Long pause while mom processes this information.

Mom: Are you sure? Maybe they DO mean that it sounds like a train whistle.
Son: Mom, what do you think? That a tornado goes "woooo woooo" as it races willy nilly through a trailer park?
Mom (suddenly unsure but not willing to back down): could. In the dark, a tornado could make sort of a high-pitched squeeeeeal as it...ya know...twirls.

Son (stares at her in disbelief, not sure if she is serious): picture a tornado as a twirling, squealing thing that races around at night going "woo woo"?
Mom (not willing to admit she is wrong, she turns back to the severe weather alert on TV): Never mind...
Son: No, really?
Mom (trying to distract him by pointing at TV screen): Look, the worst of the storm has passed us by.

Long pause

Son: Seriously? Sort of like a pig in a tutu, twirling and squealing and raising his hoofs overhead to "woo woo"?
Mom: Shut up.
Mom: I said, "shut up". the storm is over.
Son (raising hands overhead as he dances from the room): Woo woo!
Mom: This is the reason that some mothers eat their young.

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